Applications are invited on regular basis for Principal, teaching and non-teaching posts from the eligible candidates under self-finance scheme (SFS) in various subjects as per detail given below:-
Principal/Teaching Posts for Asstt. Prof.:-
Principal, U.G. Courses:- each one in:- Commerce, Psychology, Home Science, Physics, Zoology, Computer Science.
Non-Teaching Posts:-
Librarian (1),
Lab. Attendant (Science 03 & Geography 01),
Peon (2),
Sweeper (2).
Note:- Qualification/Pay scale/Criteria/age for selection as per university/UGC/State Govt. Norms. The Application/ Bio Data completed with all supporting documents must reach within 21 days from the date of advertisement to the president of the institution.
The covering letter & application form is available at
A copy of application with covering letter and documents must be sent to Dean Colleges M.D. University, Rohtak.
Contact No: - 94160-61353, 54